FSO’s Forårskursus 2025
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/Inge Aarslev
FSO´S Forårskursus 2025
Fredag den 7. marts 2025
IDA Conference
Kalvebod Brygge 31, 1560 Kbh
Forårskurset 2025 bliver meget klinisk, idet vi har inviteret Dr. Cesare Luzi fra Rom til at fortælle om sine erfaringer gennem de snart 20 år han har arbejdet med ortodonti i egen praksis i Rom. Vi har bedt Cesare Luzi dele sine kliniske erfaringer fra nogle af de malokklusioner, vi ofte står med samt nogle sjældnere og svære. Cesare Luzi er fuldstændig dedikeret til ortodontien og sætter en stor ære i excellencen i hver enkelt patientkasus.
Dental degree at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Postgraduate education and Master of Science in Orthodontics at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. Founder and first President of the European Postgraduate Students Orthodontic Society (EPSOS). Past President of the Italian Society of Biomechanics (SIBOS), of the Italian Association of Specialists in Orthodontics (ASIO) 2018-19 and of the Italian Academy of Orthodontics (AIDOR) 2022. Active member of SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics). Member of the EOS (European Orthodontic Society) and WFO (World Federation of Orthodontists). Winner of the Houston Research Award of the EOS (2006) and of the First Prize Award for Clinical Research of SIDO (2006). Winner of the Beni Solow Award of the EOS 2010. Diplomate of the Italian Board of Orthodontics and the European Board of Orthodontics. Visiting Professor University of Ferrara and University of Rome Cattolica (Italy). Private practice in Rome, limited to orthodontics. Provisional member of the Angle Society of Europe (ASE).
Preliminary program:
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-10:15 Class II malocclusions: “All the roads lead to Rome”
10:15-11:00 Coffee
11:00-12:00 Class II subdivisions: “The solutions to the enigma”
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:15 Class III malocclusions in the era of digital tech and TADs
14:14-14:45 Coffee
14:45-16:00 "The wisdom of extractions”
16:00-16:45 Closing remarks